You can add any wifi-enabled camera to the Black Rock Forest Wireless Mesh Network. We have great success using WyzeCams in outdoor housings and powered via solar panels. That was the inspiration for…

What are CritterCams? CritterCams are wifi-enabled cameras (WyzeCams) that visually capture the activities of small animals during their visit to a box that is decorated to simulate any indoor (or outdoor) living space. Creating CritterCams are inexpensive and can be a great DIY project for students, researchers, and individuals! Using solar powered technology, Black Rock Forest has had great success capturing amazing video of the most common small animals that live in the Forest and livestreaming feeds to our CritterCam YouTube Channel. This technological setup also allows anyone to record time-lapse images of natural ecological processes, such as decomposition and seasonal changes.

Interested in making your own CritterCam?
Visit our GitHub to find instructions on how to build one.
You can view highlights on the CritterCam Youtube page.
Want to collaborate on a CritterCam with Black Rock